SuperTuxKart 0.8
Download for Linux:
SuperTuxKart 0.8 is also available in Ubuntu 12.04 and 12.10 backports:
Note: we don't officially support distribution-specific packages, but we will check if bug-reports for those packages are general if we are made aware of them.
Note: it's hard to keep track of every package available out there; if you know of one that is not listed here (and is up-to-date) please contact us!
nah silahkan diicip-icipin deh :) dijamin ketagihan
lebih manteb lagi kalo make stik PS lebih yahud deh maeninnya. buat tombol keyboard monggo di cari atau diutak atik. aye cuman nemu buat nembak (spasi) tombol buat jalan (tombol atas - bawah - kanan -kiri)
- Full game (0.8 static binary, 64-bits, glibc 2.15, amd64)
- Full game (0.8 static binary, 32-bits, glibc 2.7, i386)
- Full game (0.8 static binary, 32-bits, glibc 2.11, ppc) (requirements)
- Full game (0.8 static binary, 32-bits, glibc 2.13, ppc AltiVec) (requirements)
Ubuntu Linux: Our static binary is suitable for Ubuntu 12.04 and 12.10, 64-bit
SuperTuxKart 0.8 is also available in Ubuntu 12.04 and 12.10 backports:
Ubuntu 12.10: sudo apt-get install -t quantal-backports supertuxkart
Ubuntu 12.04: sudo apt-get install -t precise-backports supertuxkart
You may alternatively use this PPA
Ubuntu 12.04: sudo apt-get install -t precise-backports supertuxkart
Arch Linux: SuperTuxKart can be installed from community repository (pacman -S supertuxkart)
Gentoo: SuperTuxKart 0.8
openSUSE: SuperTuxKart 0.8
Mageia: A supertuxkart 0.8-package is in the official repository. Use urpmi --auto supertuxkart (Or download 0.8 from
Note: we don't officially support distribution-specific packages, but we will check if bug-reports for those packages are general if we are made aware of them.
Note: it's hard to keep track of every package available out there; if you know of one that is not listed here (and is up-to-date) please contact us!
nah silahkan diicip-icipin deh :) dijamin ketagihan
lebih manteb lagi kalo make stik PS lebih yahud deh maeninnya. buat tombol keyboard monggo di cari atau diutak atik. aye cuman nemu buat nembak (spasi) tombol buat jalan (tombol atas - bawah - kanan -kiri)
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